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共匪病毒是"超限"生物武器, 隨後神速誕於黑暗中的所謂"疫苗"也不是正常醫藥, 人類一定要遠離這些罪惡。
  • 2022年10月26日,大紀元英文版


  • "防疫"也歸政法委管。?!

    還在央視說那8位醫生造謠。。 當時就妖氣十足:難道警察比醫生更懂病毒。?!


  • Brandy Vaughn,曾在默克藥廠工作,後公開發聲,推動公眾關注疫苗安全性的社會活動,



    1052 x 846 - 109K
  • 21.8 million excess deaths !
    — the world estimate as of October 24, 2022, dating back from January 1, 2020.

    Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:

    I've got the documentation of how graphene oxide, in the presence of hydrogen, takes on a magnetic charge. It's real — from the science.. They found a way to slow-kill people with this.

    And remember, we're seeing a phenomenon where elevated excess mortality takes about five months to be realized. They want 3.5 billion people off the planet, and they've learned how to do it slow-kill, so most unsuspecting people don't connect the dots.

    Anybody who knew this should never ever, ever take another shot of any kind ever again under any circumstance.!

  • 世上絕對有惡魔,邪惡到我們難以想像!


    也有人類曾就邪靈蛇類毒液發出過警告,比如2020年初的John McAfee,比如1997年的Frank。。。

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  • 這位Doug已經用生命給了世人明確的警告:那是邪靈蛇類的毒液!請拒絕,請遠離。。

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  • 人類醫生再次警告:共匪病毒的所謂"疫苗",對全球的孩子造成了嚴重傷害。!請拒絕,請等待。。

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  • Speaking at General Assembly Meeting #64 on 2022年11月7日,

    Captain Alan Dana summarized several recent worrying headlines. These are just some of many related to the covid-19 jab:

    November 1, 2022 — Austrian Airlines OS235 from Vienna to Berlin. The co-pilot vomited over the instrument panel and then leaned on the thrust levers.

    November 3, 2022 — Fly Dubai 737. Incapacitated pilot by stroke.

    October 22, 2022 — Indonesian pilot collapses in the cabin (caught on video).

    September 21, 2022 — Lufthansa Airlines. First officer collapses on a flight attendant when he's taking a restroom break.

  • 2022年11月,包子紅魔還在全國建立集中營,用以清零人性。。就規模而言,包子紅魔搞的肯定遠遠超過德國納粹。


  • 2005年,蛇類蝠奇,早就知道硫酸羥氯喹可防治Sars.

    Dr. Fauci has known for 15 years that chloroquine and its even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”).

    So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it's a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci's NIH in 2005: “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci's researchers add: “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”

  • 阿根廷營養學家Terasa Coccaro,在電視直播時,忽然失去意識暈倒。。

    On the program "Buenos Días América," nutritionist Terasa Coccaro lost consciousness in the middle of a conversation before her head and torso sank down to the table.
  • 2022年11月15日,美國參議院投票通過決議,結束國家緊急狀態。即指在共匪病毒瘟疫初期(2020年3月)宣布生效的國家緊急狀態。政府因此而擴權。






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  • 近兩年,新增殘疾人口中,反而是僱員所佔的比例最高,這只能用"疫苗強制令"來解釋。!

    1577 x 853 - 171K
  • 關於邪靈蛇類的毒液:

  • 自然免疫,比疫苗好。。高中就學過,這是常識。



    We, the undersigned, reject the future that is being forced upon us. It is not our future.

    For the first time in history, governments around the world have taken steps that reduce our quality of life. The draconian and destructive response to COVID-19, involving the lockdown of entire populations, mandated injections and mask wearing, and aggressive suppression of freedom of expression, could be a harbinger of things to come. 

    This self-inflicted damage reflects a concerted drive toward centralization of political and economic power which is eroding life expectancy, personal liberty, and freedom of expression worldwide. These deliberate steps backwards herald the beginning of a new Dark Age.

    For generations, people have fought to improve their ability to thrive and pass on a better future to the next generation.

    Unless we act decisively, this may come to an end and leave our children and grandchildren facing  a bleak future. It is becoming increasingly clear that government policies worldwide, influenced by unelected and unaccountable supranational organisations are detrimental to our future.

    We are told that modern healthcare is getting better over time. But if that were true, the rate of chronic health conditions in American schoolchildren would not have risen from 12% in 1986 to 54% now. Clearly, for whatever reason, current healthcare policies are destroying the joy of childhood and crippling our children’s future.

    These are some of the other areas where governments around the world are laying the tracks for a bleak and authoritarian future:

    • Rampant inflation and unsustainable debt caused by uncontrolled money printing

    • Belligerently supporting war instead of negotiating for peace

    • Unaffordable food and energy prices exacerbated by war

    • De-industrialisation caused by the NetZero energy crisis

    • Collaborating with online platforms and the corporate media to censor news and facts in “the public interest”

    • Enacting legislation to curtail freedom of speech

    • Propagating divisions in society via identity politics

    • Politicisation and corruption of science and academia 

    • Looming food shortages resulting from forced buy-out of productive farmland

    • Attempting to grant the World Health Organisation power to direct worldwide pandemic management policies

    • Digital IDs and programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) which have the potential to lock humanity in a dystopian control grid; a de facto prison

    All of these disastrous actions were or are totally avoidable whilst many of the policies that are now beginning to affect our lives are broadly those adopted by our governments under the United Nations Agendas 21 & 30 and the Sustainable Development Goals. The aims of the SDGs appear to be very much in line with the race to Net Zero and the pursuit of “Health Security” in the post Covid-19 world. All of this is occurring without any meaningful public debate or democratic oversight and being led by elites who pursue their own vested interests. 

    While governments enact policies harmful to humanity, they claim to care about people, the planet, equality, diversity, sustainability, health, and wellbeing. If that were true, our children would be healthier today than their predecessors were 40 years ago. Governments simply cannot be trusted any longer. 

    We reject this bleak future that is being forced upon us. It is dark, coarse, and devoid of any hope or humanity. It is not our future and it is certainly not a future we should want for our children.

    We pledge to be responsible custodians of our children’s future. We pledge to give them a better life than the one we have. We therefore pledge to stand firm against these destructive policies.

    Please join us by signing the pledge below.

    1280 x 929 - 228K
  • 記得,這位Dr. Peter McCullough與英雄科學家閆麗夢應該是交流過的。?

    Tomogram section of Wuhan virions in cross-section showing surface spike proteins (purple) surrounding the viral membrane (pale blue) and the nucleocapsid (red) in the virus interior.

    Seeing COVID up Close Makes It Difficult to Deny Its Existence

    Electron Cryotomography of SARS-CoV-2 Virions

    "Laboratory methods in virology are well accepted and utilize a series of experiments to demonstrate cellular invasion, replication, transfer and repeated infection.

    Nonetheless, some have said if SARS-CoV-2 cannot be cultured like a bacteria and “isolated” then it does not exist. I have always responded that the principles of laboratory virology, sequencing, and the mass production of viruses such as that done by the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems are concrete processes that rely on the presence of the virus.

    My understanding from the body of medical literature and firsthand clinical experience are consistent with the conclusion that COVID-19 is indeed a unique illness distinguishable from influenza and other viral infections. I have always been impressed with the absence of bacterial superinfection and micro- and macro-thrombosis being features that separate COVID-19 from influenza and other viral syndromes.

    Calder, et al, at the Francis Crick Institute has gone a step farther with advanced forms of electron microscopy to see the virus up close and personal."

    Dr. Peter McCullough

  • 這位教授在美國FDA的疫苗專家組工作。


    Prof. A. Oveta Fuller worked on the FDA's vaccine advisory committee.
    Dr. Fuller was instrumental in securing the Emergency Use Authorizations for the three COVID-19 vaccines.

    She just passed away unexpectedly.

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