這意味著"COVID疫苗護照"沒有合法性基礎! This removes the entire legal basis for the COVID passport!”
“And I will speak in English, so there are no misunderstandings,” Roos said. “Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? If not, please say it clearly. If yes, are you willing to share the data with this committee? And I really want a straight answer yes or no, and I'm looking forward to it.”
“Regarding the question around did we know about stopping immanization before it entered the market?” Pfizer executive J. Small admitted on video. “No. These… we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market.”
Roos commented after showing the exchange. “Millions of people worldwide felt forced to get vaccinated because of the myth that you do it for others. Now, this turned out to be a lie. This removes the entire legal basis for the COVID passport!”
"They've got a personal kind of agenda. They make up their own rules as they go; they change them when they want to. And they smugly — like Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera."
研究發現,在共匪病毒c19的所謂"疫苗"毒液中(Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson ),發現很多不該存在的元素。。而且數量多到不能用"被污染"來解釋。!
Dr. Mark Trozzi: Extensive Lab Analysis Finds Numerous Undeclared Substances in Covid-19 Vaccines That Don't Belong in Human Bodies
In this interview with The New American, World Council for Health Steering Committee member Dr. Mark Trozzi reveals the findings of the extensive laboratory analysis done by the international group of scientists of the German Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis.
The analysis showed that the vials of Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson contain numerous elements that do not belong to the human body and have a strong potency to harm it, such as:
Mark Trozzi: "None of these ingredients were declared by the manufacturers—they're not even listed on the ingredients list. There's no molecules listed on the ingredients that should have these atoms, and they're present in amounts which are far too high to simply be contamination."
ALBERTA: Premier Apologizes to Unvaccinated, Considers Dropping All Lockdown Prosecutions
“I am deeply sorry for anyone who was inappropriately subjected to discrimination as a result of their vaccine status. I'm deeply sorry for any government employee that was fired from their job because of their vaccine status. And I welcome them back.”