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共匪病毒是"超限"生物武器, 隨後神速誕於黑暗中的所謂"疫苗"也不是正常醫藥, 人類一定要遠離這些罪惡。
  • The Covid story everyone should be talking about!

    Global Covid Narrative Collapsing:

    1) Doctors sue FDA over unlawful attempts to prohibit ivermectin.

    2) Best U.S. legal team go after Pfizer.

    3) Thousands seeking fake Covid vaccine passports as not jabbed.

    4) Austria abolishes suspended and failed Covid vaccine mandate.

    5) South Africa drops masks, border checks and gathering limits.

    6) U.S. drops SARS-CoV-2 testing for international travellers.

    7) Canberra airport threatens legal action over ACT's mask mandates.

    8) Canada announces unvaccinated can travel again.

    9) Canadian government shutting down Covid alert app.

    10) NZ drops SARS-CoV-2 test for travel entry.

    11) OZ's Northern Territory ends oppressive vaccine mandate.

    12) Media in NZ not interested in ongoing pandemic narrative.

    13) MSM joins dots as Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) goes public.

    14) Spectator OZ says no more media censorship.

    15) Novak Djokovic reaffirms Covid vaccine not an option.

    16) Special Olympics Florida removes vaccine mandate after threats of $27.5M in fines.

    17) Queensland, OZ, removes Covid mandates.

    18) Businesses welcome unvaccinated workers back in WA.

    19) Global Covid-19 daily deaths lowest since beginning of pandemic.

    20) Canadian politicians coming out of mass formation.

    21) Romanian MEP Cristian Terhes fights EU Digital Covid Certificate.

    22) Countries want out of their contracts for Covid experimental jabs.

    23) U.S. has thrown out more than 82 Million Covid-19 vaccine doses.

    24) Monkeypox mind control failed following Covid narrative farce.

    25) Bill Gates is broken as 72% of Americans now reject Covid Shot.

    26) Covid "hasn't gone as planned" and the other side is "panicked."

    27) First vaccine damage payment issued in the UK.

    Growing Movement for Freedom:

    28) Denmark says vaccinating kids is a mistake.

    29) Legislation to stop any Canadian Federal Law that attacks Alberta.

    30) Florida rejects all other US States, CDC and FDA - no vaccine for kids.

    31) Governor DeSantis: The White House is lying.

    32) UK CV Family is supporting and raising awareness of vaccine injured.

    33) Safer to Wait doctors and experts raise parent awareness of vaccine risks for kids.

    34) Neil Oliver asks on GB News: Are we stupid or just being treated as if we are stupid.

    35) WCH and global resistance to stop vaccines for 6 months to 5 yrs.

    36) Dr. Kat Lindley tells FDA no Covid vaccines for kids.

    37) Not a single case of autism in unvaccinated kids and healthier.

    38) Top 8 reasons not to inject your child.

    39) Biggest medical Freedom congress takes place as global doctors unite (PDF and video).

    40) We outnumber them: "If we don't submit, they have no chance."
  • 研究所謂"疫苗"的危險性,這個pdf列表收集了750多個。可於本地下載,參考。。

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  • MEP Christine Anderson: "Safety on board a plane is no longer guaranteed because most of the flying crew is now vaccinated."

  • Dr. Zelenko: 所謂"疫苗"是毒液。。


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  • 接種了所謂"疫苗"後,其實那是邪靈蛇類的毒液,人類正在死去。。

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  • 英国、苏格兰、捷克等终止疫苗护照及防疫禁令。以色列开始借病毒学家之口,全面宣传“自然免疫优于疫苗免疫”,为取消疫苗护照进行舆论铺陈。美国疾控中心也首次发布“自然免疫优于疫苗免疫”报告。国际刑事法庭立案,针对疫苗造成死伤开始进行刑事调查。(文摘)
  • Novax Djokovic:"Because the principles of decision making on my body are more important than any title or anything else."
  • 匈牙利,2022年第一季度出生率,同比明顯下降。。

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  • 邪靈蛇類賣力兜售毒液。。


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  • 2015年,該協議顯示,冠狀病毒mRNA技術由NIAID與moderna共同擁有。。

  • 瑞典的研究顯示,mRNA的所謂"疫苗",會改變人類DNA。!


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  • This is how you know you are living in an upside down world-

    1) Ivermectin: won the Nobel Prize in human medicine in 2015; is safer than Tylenol (associated with 1/7th the number of deaths that Tylenol is associated with); has been given safely 3.7 Billion times around the world; has decades of safe use; has over 70 studies showing its effective use in Covid-19.

    And yet, it is demonized by many politicians, by the CDC, by the FDA, and by all of corporate media. It is so “unsafe” in their view that they are taking steps that are unprecedented: revoking the licenses of many doctors who have prescribed this safe, FDA-approved medication. They call it “horse paste” and the FDA literally tweeted out to people to stop taking it because they’re not horses. And this, despite the fact that it has literally CURED a HUMAN disease (river blindness) and won the Nobel Prize for that. It eliminated a terrible human disease. And the FDA has the audacity to claim it is an animal medicine.

    2) Paxlovid: Pfizer’s newest Covid drug. Can cause liver and kidney damage. One of the components (ritonavir) has a black box warning. It leads to a bizarre “rebound Covid” (never heard of before Paxlovid). It’s so new that it is not even FDA-approved. Only available under EUA because it hasn’t been through standard safety testing. But the claim is that the Covid pandemic is so serious that we have to be willing to try everything (Hmmm … If that logic applies to Paxlovid—a new & untested medication—why doesn’t it apply to ivermectin, an FDA-approved medication with decades of safe use?). And now the FDA is allowing pharmacists to prescribe and administer Paxlovid to patients? This is unprecedented. Not even doctors can prescribe and dispense a medication. That’s why we have the division between doctors and pharmacists. That’s why doctors can’t just increase profitability by doing the job of a pharmacist in-house. And yet, now your CVS pharmacist is going to be able to do the job of a doctor in-house at his pharmacy? Is the pharmacist going to be required to take a full History & Physical and make sure that you don’t take medications that interact with Paxlovid? Is he going to be required to know your full medical history so that he doesn’t prescribe and administer it to patients in whom it is contraindicated? And all this for an EUA medication? We’re going turn upside down the entire practice of medicine (allowing pharmacists to play doctor) all for an ineffective (or, at least, inadequately effective) medicine that hasn’t even been FDA-approved?

    Did I wake up in the Twilight Zone?

    Yes I understand they want to make money. What I don’t get is the blatant disregard for human health in a field where that is our only concern!
  • 核酸检测,不僅沒有診斷作用,而且可能還有各種危害:

    1, 棉签不是普通棉签,锐利的化学纤维会脱落留在头部。当纤维断裂并刺入黏膜层组织,会游走全身,对血脑屏障、面部神经及嗅觉神经造成损伤!
    2, 棉签含致癌剧毒环氧乙烷和荧光制剂,
    3, 棉签含放射性元素锝、水凝胶、纳米芯片或携带新冠疫苗,

  • 北美林醫生:孩童棺材銷量增加了4倍!还说看不到所謂"疫苗"的害处嗎?!

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  • 輝瑞,阿斯利康,居然都有共匪紅魔的黨支部爪牙。?!

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  • 2022年7月,現在的旅行限制,




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