2021年12月 Dr. Peter McCullough:
“The spike protein has some homology to HIV. When one of the original antigenic vaccines that was tested in Australia exposed that HIV epitope, it turned everybody in the trial HIV positive who took a COVID-19 vaccine.”
Fauci's NIH funds gain-of-function coronavirus research and simultaneously develops and co-owns coronavirus vaccine technology, while colluding to suppress information about the Wuhan lab leak, and then promotes universal jab mandates.
In his order, Judge Reed O'Connor said,"The Navy servicemembers in this case seek to vindicate the very freedoms they have sacrificed so much to protect. The COVID-19 pandemic provides the government no license to abrogate those freedoms. There is no COVID-19 exception to the First Amendment. There is no military exclusion from our Constitution."
曾几何时,我也认为疫苗之争的只是强制 vs 反强制,其它一切打或不打,好处坏处都是各说各话,副面信息也好,正面信息也好,个人选择相信什么,选择打或不打,各人自由,互相尊重,多争无益。相信大部分群友们也达成了这样的共识。但现在越来越觉得这种共识却被利用,成了来打压不同声音的借口。似乎分享一些苗的副作用,分享染疫经历都会引起纷争,成为大忌。我不得不反思,这真的只是打vs不打苗的问题吗?真的只是强制vs反强制的问题吗?不,绝不是,就像随缘所说的,这关乎到的是千千万万老百姓生命的问题。让我来分享我自己得新冠住院的经历吧:
预约上让我12月23日上午9:30到达指定地点,实际预约的时间是10点。我9:30到了医生办公室登记,之前我也上网 E-check in 了。结果登记处一看我的情况就大惊失色(其实以12月8日以后我就没发过烧,应该早就过了传染期了),这个我可以理解。我被告知我的预约应该是视频预约。我原以为复诊是要查一下各项指标,那视频预约肯定是不会做检查的了。