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HK - Actions
  • 2020年11月11日,香港政府根据北京的有关规定取消了四名民主派议员的资格。


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  • 港共政府根据人大常委会昨天决定,DQ 四名「非效忠」议员,即时丧失立法会议员资格,英德美加多国已先后发声批评做法,削弱香港自治权、无视《基本法》。港人因此也得到国际的同情,纷纷站出来支持勇敢面对强权的香港抗争者。

    加拿大移民、难民及公民部部长门迪奇诺 (Marco Mendicino) 宣布多个新政策,期望可吸引「最好及最出色」的香港学生及青年人到加拿大发展,逃离压迫。


  • 2020年11月19日,



    1082 x 615 - 2M
  • 共匪炮製了一個匪安法,企圖扼殺香港人的自由意志。



  • 2020年12月3日,


    1145 x 645 - 1M
  • 2020年12月12日,黎智英,一個熱愛自由的正常人類,一個堅持說真話的媒體從業者。



    659 is coming, 人類該回歸正道了!

    2212 x 1477 - 441K
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  • 2020年12月24日,平安夜


    Save 12 HongKong young people who love freedom,they are not criminal.

    1042 x 590 - 1M
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  • 美东时间12月31号,美国国务院发布了“论香港十二人的命运“官方声明。声明强烈谴责中共国深圳法院的行为,并呼吁中共立即无条件释放被判入狱的十二名香港英雄。



    1077 x 836 - 156K
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  • 「勇武者之歌」作者龔平:寧化飛灰不做浮塵



    1012 x 689 - 560K
  • INTERVIEW of Mr. Stephen K. Bannon with His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

    Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano

    Source: Steve Bannon War Room

    1. Now that the Vatican has renewed its insidious secret agreement with China, a deal which you have repeatedly condemned as promoted by Bergoglio with the assistance of McCarrick, what can the “children of light” of the Great Awakening concretely do to undermine this unholy alliance with this brutal Communist regime?

    The dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party is allied to the global deep state, on the one hand so that together they can attain the goals that they have in common, on the other hand because the plans for the Great Reset are an opportunity to increase the economic power of China in the world, beginning with the invasion of national markets. At the same time that it pursues this project in its foreign policy, China is pursuing a domestic plan to restore the Maoist tyranny, which requires the cancellation of religions (primarily the Catholic religion), replacing them with a religion of the State which definitely has many elements in common with the universal religion desired by globalist ideology, whose spiritual leader is Bergoglio.

    The complicity of Bergoglio’s deep church in this infernal project has deprived Chinese Catholics of the indefectible defense that the Papacy had always been for them. Up until the papacy of Benedict XVI, the papacy had not made any agreements with the Beijing dictatorship, and the Roman Pontiff retained the exclusive right to appoint bishops and govern dioceses. I recall that even at the time of the Bill Clinton administration during the 1990’s, former Cardinal McCarrick was the point of contact between the deep church and the American deep state, carrying out political missions in China on behalf of the US administration. And the suspicions that the resignation of Benedict XVI involved China are quite strong and coherent with the picture that has been emerging in recent months.

    Thus we find ourselves faced with an infamous betrayal of the mission of the Church of Christ, carried out by her highest leaders in open conflict with those members of the Chinese Catholic underground hierarchy who have remained faithful to Our Lord and to His Church. My affectioned thoughts and prayers are with them and with Cardinal Zen, an eminent confessor of the faith, whom Bergoglio recently shamefully refused to receive.

    We believers must act on the spiritual level by fervent prayer, asking God to give special protection to the Church in China, and also by continually denouncing the aberrations carried out by the Chinese regime. This action must be accompanied by a work of raising awareness within governments and international institutions that have not been compromised by the Chinese communist dictatorship, so that the violations of human rights and the attacks on the freedom of the Catholic Church in China may be denounced and punished with sanctions and strong diplomatic pressure. And this is the line that President Trump is pursuing with decisive courage. Beijing’s complicity with political and religious elements that are involved in murky operations of speculation and corruption must likewise be exposed. These profit-driven dealings constitute a very grave act of treason by politicians and public officials against their nation and also a grave betrayal of the Church by the men who lead her. I also think that in some cases this betrayal is not only carried out by individuals but also by the institutions themselves, as in the case of the European Union, which is currently finalizing a commercial agreement with China despite its systematic violation of human rights and its violent repression of dissent.

    It would be an irreparable disaster if Joe Biden, who is heavily suspected of being complicit with the Chinese dictatorship, would be designated as President of the United States.

    2. You have been very confident that God desires a Trump victory in order to defeat the forces of evil inherent in the globalists’ Great Reset. What would you say to convince the naysayers who are ambivalent to the idea that this is a momentous battle between the children of light and the children of darkness?

    I simply consider who Trump’s adversary is and his numerous ties to China, the deep state, and the advocates of globalist ideology. I think of his intention to condemn us all to wear masks, as he has candidly admitted. I think of the fact that, incontestably, he is only a puppet in the hands of the elite, who are ready to remove him as soon they decide to replace him with Kamala Harris.

    Beyond the political alignments, we must further understand that – above all in a complex situation like the present one – it is essential that the victory of the one who is elected President must be guaranteed in its absolute legal legitimacy, avoiding any suspicion of fraud and taking note of the overwhelming evidence of irregularities that has emerged in several states. A President who is simply proclaimed as such by the mainstream media affiliated with the deep state would be deprived of all legitimacy and would expose the nation to dangerous foreign interference, as has already been shown to have happened in the current election.

    3. You seem to suggest that the Trump Administration could be instrumental in helping to return the Church to a pre-Francis Catholicism. How does the Trump Administration accomplish that, and how can American Catholics work to save the world from this globalist ‘reset’?

    Bergoglio’s subservience to the globalist agenda is obvious, as well as his active support for the election of Joe Biden. In the same way, Bergoglio’s hostility to Trump and his repeated attacks against the President are evident. It is clear that Bergoglio considers Trump as his principal adversary, the obstacle that needs to be removed, so that the Great Reset can be put in motion.

    Thus on the one hand we have the Trump administration and the traditional values that it holds in common with those of Catholics; on the other hand we have the deep state of the self-styled Catholic Joe Biden, who is subservient to the globalist ideology and its perverse, anti-human, antichristic, infernal agenda.

    In order to put an end to the deep church and restore the Catholic Church, the extent of the involvement of the leaders of the Church with the Masonic-globalist project will have to be revealed: the nature of the corruption and crimes that these men have carried out, thereby making themselves vulnerable to blackmail, just as happens in a similar way in the political field to members of the deep state, beginning with Biden himself. Thus it is to be hoped that any proof of such crimes that is in the possession of the Secret Services would be brought to light, especially in relation to the true motives that led to the resignation of Benedict XVI and the conspiracies underlying the election of Bergoglio, thereby permitting the expulsion of the mercenaries who have seized control of the Church.

    American Catholics still have time to denounce this global subversion and stop the establishment of the New Order: let them think about what sort of future they want for the coming generations, and of the destruction of society. Let them think about the responsibility that they have before God, their children, and their nation: as Catholics, as fathers and mothers of their families, and as patriots.

    4. Against all odds, average Americans are fighting to expose the massive and coordinated theft of our election: what advice would you give to our recalcitrant politicians about what is at stake for our nation and the world if we submit to this theft?

    The Truth can be denied by the majority for a certain amount of time, or by some people forever, but it can never be hidden from everyone forever. This is the lesson of History, which has inexorably revealed the great crimes of the past and those who perpetrated them.

    Thus I invite politicians, beyond their political loyalties, to become champions of the Truth, to defend it as an indispensable treasure which alone can guarantee the credibility of institutions and the authority of the people’s representatives, in accord with the mandate they have received, the oath they have sworn to serve their country, and their moral responsibility before God. Each one of us has a role that Providence has entrusted to us, and which it would be culpable to shrink from. If the United States misses this opportunity, now, it will be wiped out from History. If it allows the idea to spread among the masses that the electoral choice of the citizens – the first expression of democracy – can be manipulated and thwarted, it will be complicit in the fraud, and will certainly deserve the execration of the entire world, which looks to America as a nation which has fought for and defended its freedom.

    5. In your letter to the President on October 25, the Solemnity of Christ the King, you spoke of the efforts of the deep state as “the final assault of the children of darkness.” There is a concerted effort by the globalists and their media partners to conceal and obscure the true tyrannical agenda implicit in the Great Reset, by calling it a wild conspiracy theory. What would you say to the skeptics who blissfully ignore the signs and plan to submit humanity to the domination of the global elites?

    The plan of the Great Reset makes use of the mainstream media as an indispensable ally: the media corporations are almost all actively part of the deep state and know that the power that will be guaranteed to them in the future depends exclusively on their slavish adherence to its agenda.

    Labeling those who denounce the existence of a conspiracy as “conspiracy theorists” confirms, if anything, that this conspiracy exists, and that its authors are very upset at having been found out and reported to public opinion. And yet they themselves have said it: Nothing will be the same again. And also: Build Back Better, in an effort to make us believe that the radical changes they want to impose have been made necessary by a pandemic, by climate change, and by technological progress.

    Years ago, those who spoke of the New World Order were called conspiracy theorists. Today, all of the world’s leaders, including Bergoglio, speak with impunity about the New World Order, describing it exactly in the terms that were identified by the so-called conspiracy theorists. It is enough to read the globalists’ declarations to understand that the conspiracy exists and that they pride themselves on being its architects, to the point of admitting the need for a pandemic in order to reach their objectives of social engineering.

    To the skeptics I ask: if the models that are proposed to us today are so terrible, what will our children be able to expect when the elite will have succeeded in taking total control over the nations? Families without father and mother, polyamory, sodomy, children who can change their sex, the cancellation of Religion and the imposition of an infernal cult, abortion and euthanasia, the abolition of private property, a health dictatorship, a perpetual pandemic. Is this the world that we want, that you want for yourselves, your children, and your family and friends?

    We must all become aware of how much the proponents of the New World Order and the Great Reset hate the inalienable values of our Greco-Christian civilization, such as Religion, the family, respect for life and the inviolable rights of the human person, and national sovereignty.

    6. You have repeatedly warned that the ‘deep state’ and ‘deep church’ have colluded to plot in various ways to overthrow Benedict as well as President Trump. Besides Theodore McCarrick, who else is behind this infernal alliance, and how do Catholics undermine and expose it?

    It is apparent that McCarrick acted on behalf of the deep state and the deep church, but he certainly did not do it alone. All of his activity suggests a very efficient organizational structure composed of people whom McCarrick had promoted and covered by other accomplices.

    The events that led to the resignation of Benedict XVI still need to be clarified, but one of the members of the deep church, the deceased Cardinal Danneels, a Jesuit like Bergoglio, admitted that he was a part of the so-called Saint Gallen Mafia, which essentially worked to bring about the “springtime of the Church” which John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, wrote about in his emails published by Wikileaks.

    Thus there is a group of conspirators who have worked and still work in the heart of the Church for the interests of the elite. Most of them are identifiable, but the most dangerous are those who do not expose themselves, those whom the newspaper never mentions. They will not hesitate to force Bergoglio to resign also, just like Ratzinger, if he does not obey their orders. They would like to transform the Vatican into a retirement home for popes emeriti, demolishing the papacy and securing power: exactly the same as what happens in the deep state, where, as I have already said, Biden is the equivalent of Bergoglio.

    In order to bring down the deep state and the deep church, three things are essential:

    first of all, becoming aware of what globalism’s plan is, and to what extent it is instrumental to the establishment of the kingdom of the Antichrist, since it shares its principles, means, and ends;

    secondly, firmly denouncing this infernal plan and asking the Shepherds of the Church – and also the laity – to defend her, breaking their complicit silence: God will demand of them an account for their desertion;

    finally, it is necessary to pray, asking the Lord to grant each one of us the strength to resist – resistite fortes in fide, Saint Peter warns us – against the ideological tyranny that is daily imposed on us not only by the media but also by the cardinals and bishops who are under Bergoglio’s thumb.

    If we can prove ourselves strong in facing this trial; if we know how to hold ourselves anchored to the rock of the Church without allowing ourselves to be seduced by false christs and false prophets, the Lord will permit us to see – at least for now – the defeat of the assault of the children of darkness against God and men. If out of fear or complicity we follow the prince of this world, denying our Baptismal promises, we will be condemned with him to inexorable defeat and eternal damnation. I tremble for those who do not realize the responsibility that they have before God for the souls that He has entrusted to them. But to those who fight courageously to defend the rights of God, the Nation, and the Family, the Lord assures his protection. He has placed His Most Holy Mother at our side, the Queen of Victories and the Help of Christians. We invoke Her faithfully during these difficult days, confidently certain of Her intervention.

    January 1st, 2021
  • 2021年1月15日,




  • 古思堯:對共匪不能有絲毫指望。

    今次我參與社會運動 30 年第 10 次坐監,即係證明我係做得對嘅。

  • 香港,辛丑年大年初二,市民在車公殿内求籤祈福

    900 x 506 - 157K
    900 x 675 - 124K
  • 香港,辛丑年大年初三,白紙市集 。


    695 x 342 - 409K
  • 2021年3月16日晚,美国国务卿布林肯发表声明说,依据《香港自治法》,国务卿必须定期向国会更新那些为中共不履行《中英联合声明》或香港《基本法》提供支持的外国人员的资料。

  • 《2021 香港約章》全文

    1. 自1980年代中英談判起,香港人一直爭取民主制度,以期選出代表香港市民的首長以及立法機關。惟中共一黨專政本質不變,除了阻撓香港人商討香港未來,自九七主權移交後,中共更屢次破壞《中英聯合聲明》和《基本法》精神,從未兌現承諾,落實民主與自治。直至二零一九年反送中運動爆發,港人奮起爭取民主自由,卻被暴政以赤色恐怖打壓,數以萬計示威者被捕。《港區國安法》實施後,港人言論、集會自由盡失,在港者動輒被囚,被政治逼害者流亡海外;2021年中共強加的政制改革更摧毀了香港選舉僅餘的民主成份,一國兩制名存實亡。

    2. 港人的勇敢和犧牲使國際社會尤其關注香港的民主運動,國際倡議工作如雨後春荀,港人離散族群無不為建立民主香港而爭取國際盟友支持,護港抗共。在二零二一年之初,我們希望透過《香港約章》來凝聚港人國際戰線的力量,團結海外港人社群,為光復香港的長遠之路籌謀和準備。我們矢志對抗中共霸權及壓逼,爭取港人民主自由;守護並延續海內外港人的自主意志;呼籲國際社會對抗中共威權擴張,共同守護民主自由的價值。


    3. 離散港人會繼續為香港人整體福祉着想,為香港人共同利益出發。離散港人亦應善用海外的自由空間,積極發聲及倡議香港議題,尤其是因政治暴力而難以在香港發表的言論。​

    4. 抗爭運動應積極尋找更多盟友支持,團結更多香港人,避免派系之爭和海外運動泡沫化,將能量消耗在內部角力。

    5. 離散港人發揮互助精神,協助被逼離港者在各地建立並融入在地的互助社群,匡扶個人及同儕的身心體魄,使香港精神不滅。

    6. 政治倡議工作以港人利益為依歸,旨在促進香港的政治轉型,體現港人珍重的自由、自主和民主精神。​


    7. 香港人是一個獨特的共同體,擁有獨特的文化、歷史、經歷以及價值觀。我們應該維持獨特的身份認同,持續創造其時代意義,以傳承這些珍貴的特質;我們的身份丶歷史和文化價值應該受到尊重、保護,以各種方法書寫、記錄、保存,抗擊官方諱言捏造的史觀。

    8. 香港人有權決定香港的前途和事務,包括民生丶政制丶憲制等改革。同時,香港人應享有民主、自主和自由的制度:民主包括由人民直接選出丶沒有篩選的政府和議會;自主包括本地事務免受中共干預;自由包括《世界人權宣言》丶《公民權利及政治權利公約》和其他國際公約內列明人民應享有的政治丶社會及經濟權利。

    9. 香港政府應實行三權分立,司法丶行政及立法機關互不統屬。法治制度應以限制公權力、彰顯公義為最高原則,法官判決應合乎人權及法治的標準,另外本地最高法院應享有憲法解釋權,不受中共干預。​​​

    10. 港版國安法是侵害港人言論自由、人身安全、政治自由的惡法,理應馬上廢除。政府應停止以言入罪、釋放在囚的政治犯,並保障所有港人遊行、示威、結社、出版、言論的權利,並撤銷所有針對流亡人士的政治檢控。

    11. 中共肆意侵蝕香港公民社會,破壞各個專業領域的價值、原則以及道德,逼使有良心的香港市民臣服於他們無理專橫的管治。我們呼籲市民盡量捍衛自身底線,不與政權同流合污。

    12. 在中共的直接指揮和港府官員盲從上意下,警隊已淪為極權打壓市民訴求和權利的武器。警政系統必須改革,在人民充分的監督及授權下,建立真正為民服務的治安自理體系。


    13. 中國共產黨壟斷中華人民共和國內所有權力,實行一黨專政,絲毫沒有民主自治、分權制衡、法治平等、 人權尊嚴的理念。唯有結束一黨專政、建立民主制度,才可在中國境內革新舊有體制,實踐民主和自由的價值。

    14. 香港的民主運動針對中共一黨專政的政治暴力,而非中共政體轄下的中國國民,我們呼籲致力推動中國政體轉型的中國國民一起反抗暴政,共行自治之路。​

    15. 中共並非其口中的「和平主義者」,而是不斷透過各種國家計劃將極權形態輸出,企圖削弱民主制度正當性、鞏固自身權威的獨裁組織。​​

    16. 中共必須停止任何政治打壓,包括對維權人士、人權律師的逼害,保障公民根據憲法擁有的政治權利。

    17. 中共必須結束數碼威權管治,終止以大數據監控人民思想舉止,還權予民,保障公民的私隱權。

    18. 中共必須馬上結束對內蒙古、西藏、新疆等少數民族的文化清洗和種族滅絕行為,尊重民族及宗教多元,予其實踐獲承諾的合法政治及自治權利。中共必須停止對台灣的軍事威嚇,以及尊重台灣人民民主自決和自治的權利。


    19. 我們應以跨越黨派的信念進行國際倡議工作,盡力連結更多支持香港的盟友。

    20. 人權、民主是儼如氣候危機的全球跨國治理議題,我們應爭取國際社會,例如民主政府、跨國企業、民間組織等共同合作,監察及制衡中共政權的擴張以及其對全球民主自由體制的政治、經濟、法律、軍事及科技威脅。​

    21. 倡議工作應積極與各地爭取民主、自由的抗爭者連結,促進各地反對極權、爭取民主的變革倡議者相互連結。​

    22. 倡議工作應積極與爭取氣候公義、種族平權等社會運動連結,聯合爭取社會公義的社群,守護民主自治的土壤,讓更多民主政府聯合支持香港的民主運動。​

    23. 倡議工作應支持不受威權管治影響的世界體系,警剔世界各地的威權崛起,防止其侵蝕民主價值、收窄自由空間、動搖公平社會的根基。​

    24. 倡議工作應連結自由世界的盟友,宣揚自由、自主、平等、多元、公平和民主共治的普世價值。​

    25. 國際社會不應受惠於中共的人權侵害;香港作為自由世界的一部分,與民主國家共享相同價值,國際社會應共同守護被威權挑戰的自由價值。
  • 許智峯:

    看看2020年美國大選的拜登曲線(Biden curve),其背後黑手就是共產邪靈。
  • 2021年4月4日,復活節,清明節


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  • 2021年4月25日,在好萊塢星光大道杜比戲院前,

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  • 2021年5月2日,香港

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